Performance next week with Te Kōkī Orchestra

Over the last few months, I have had the great pleasure of working together with Dr Kira Omelchenko and the Te Kōkī Orchestra, developing a new work for large ensemble. We started with a melodic outline, and a few harmonic suggestions, and we have devised a short performance for the whole orchestra. It’s been exciting to hear the contributions of the players, and I’m honoured to share the creative ownership of this performance with them.

The piece is called E Toru Ngā Karakia, three movements addressed to Ranginui, Tangaroa, and Papatūānuku. It takes on the function of a karakia at the beginning of the concert, bringing the performers together with each other, and with the audience, to a place of focus for the music which follows.

The concert is in the Hunter Council Chamber, Victoria University of Wellington, Thursday 23 May, 7pm.

Booking details are here.

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